There are a few social bookmarking tools out there. I’ve used, presented, and written about DIIGO and Delicious. DIIGO is the one I am currently using as a web based bookmarking platform personally. It’s beauty is that I can access my bookmarks on any device or computer and save new links to DIIGO from any device I happen to be on. I can tag them with as many tags (course code, topic, type of resource…) as I want so I can find the bookmark again when I need it. I have also been part of groups that have used it to share resources for a project, but I have not successfully used it with a class.
There is a new social bookmarking site/application I’d like to share with you. It’s called nkwiry and it was developed by Brian Aspinall, a self professed “Dork. Teacher. Blogger. Presenter.” from Ontario (@mraspinall on twitter).
Because I haven’t used it (yet), I’m not sure what to tell you about it that doesn’t come directly from the website. So here’s the website’s sales pitch:
And finally, a testimonial from an educator: “Not only has nkwiry empowered my students to curate the web for the best content and gather weblinks based on specific topics, we now have a safe and secure way to showcase student work from other sources. Since it is a bookmark sharing platform, I can collect links of student work from other sources like Prezi and Bitstrips and keep them all in one spot!”
You can see more comments from teachers using nkwiry by checking out @nkwiry on twitter. You don’t have to have a twitter account to see the tweets/retweets (just click on the link).
If this sounds interesting to you and is something you try with a class, I’d love to hear about your experiences with nkwiry. Please share!