Monday, 1 July 2013

Tech at the Lake

I know a lot of people may be upset by this picture.  It was a beautiful long weekend up at the lake.  The kids hadn't seen each other all winter and here they sit, on devices (btw we don't have internet).  They should be running around.  They should be enjoying the outdoors.  They should be playing together.  All of these I'm sure are arguments from many.
They did run around.  They did enjoy the outdoors.  They played soccer; they rode their bikes; they played on the park...  It wasn't quite warm enough to swim yet. They did all the same stuff I did when I was growing up here in the spring/summer.  But when I was done running around I read, by myself.  Maybe we did crafts (I learned to macramé).
I know I may be a bit biased, but I think there is room for all of it.  And I think there are huge benefits to this.  There are 4 kids here (ranging in age from 9-12) and 3 devices.  They are playing Mine Craft.  What I saw that was "better" than the crafts we used to do:
  • they shared devices around, and built on each others' worlds
  • they shared knowledge - each of them was able to help the others (regardless of age or experience)
  • I think they were developing problem solving, sharing and communication skills that are more transferable than my macrame skills
Added benefit:  I don't have any ugly plant hangers or owls that I have to find a place for in my house!

Barn Dwelling Macramé Owl

Photo credit: April Killingsworth, Los Angeles, USA, July 2005

1 comment:

  1. I think to hit the nail on the head: balance.

    Macrame...ugly is right.
